Dr. Johannes Leitner was invited to to the Federal Commission for International Affairs of the Wirtschaftsrat (Economic Council) in Berlin, where he gave a speech on the "Effects of political strategies on corporate decisions".
As Johannes pointed out, we are currently in a process of slight deglobalisation. Unlike in the past, international relations are no longer primarliy dominated by business and trade interests. The driving factor is rather the primacy of politics. In fact, this is not an entirely new phenomenon. Such trends have been observable for more then ten years now. Economic rationality is increasingly giving way to political goals. This means that more then ever before, chances for companies have to be examined on the basis of geopolitical risk constellations. An example of this are trade policy interventions in the relationship between the USA and China, reducing economic interdependencies. In this context again, the main features of this China strategy reach far back to the term of office of George W. Bush Junior.
Please follow this link to the full content of the keynote speech.